Frequent Urination


Frequent Urination: “Do you pee JIC?” Your bladder is an organ but more importantly a sack that is surrounded with muscles with several sensors to alert you when you have to go to the bathroom.  When you are going to the bathroom before your bladder completely fills you may be training your bladder to [...]

Frequent Urination2024-01-09T16:46:16+00:00

Why Should I See A Physical Therapist


Myths of Physical Therapy People often associate physical therapy with an accident or  injury. They often stigmatize physical therapy as something that does not work and they are better off taking medication or having surgery, anyone can perform physical therapy so it is just better to do the exercises on their own. However [...]

Why Should I See A Physical Therapist2023-12-14T12:46:37+00:00
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